
You can always reach us at We’ll connect however we need to so that we can help - FaceTime, Zoom, phone call, etc. Feel free to check out some of our most frequently asked questions below!

We purchased everything on the shopping list, put our place together, and it looks AMAZING! We’ve got one spot that needs something else, and we really aren’t sure what to put there. Can you help?

Absolutely! Email us with your order number, send pictures and measurements, and we’ll send our suggestions.

We absolutely love one of the interior design collections, but our place has one more bedroom than the product was designed for. Would you custom-create an additional room design for us?

We would be happy to! Additional space add-ons are priced at $500. Send us an email, fill us in, and we’ll send you everything you need.

We’re ready to place our order for our favorite interior design collection, but one of the furniture pieces won’t work for our layout. Could you send a replacement suggestion for that product?

Not a problem! Email us with your order number, let us know, and we’ll be happy to send an alternate product suggestion.

Would you custom-create a shopping list of interior design products with our specific space in mind?

We’d love to use your space for inspiration! Please email us your request, photos of the property, and any additional details.

Can you help us with something else?

Of course! Send us an email at We look forward to connecting with you!